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Safety Culture Scan

2 days



The Safety Culture Scan is the basis for guiding culture changes within organizations. An important principle is that guidance remains sustainable if the company's own identity is preserved throughout the entire change process. This also means that you want to make the organization "mature", as it were.


In order to analyze the safety management system and safety culture, our consultant will evaluate the current safety activities of the management and safety management systems and express the current state of culture in the corresponding phase of development


The Bradley model is the basis for this and this model can easily be compared with the Hudson model.

The difference is that the model below communicates much easier with and to the employees in the operational implementation. And here safety is created


Determining the starting point (0 measurements) is important in order to determine which safety management systems deserve the first attention and to ensure that the priorities are placed on the right systems.

Safety Culture Scan

Psycho Social Workload (PSA) company scan

1 hour p.p. (digital)



From this scan it becomes clear to what extent there is work pressure at your company. In which departments it is present, and to what extent.


Depending on the outcome, we can offer a Work Stress module and a DIAP module (discrimination, intimidation, aggression and bullying). By using these modules we can break taboos and create openness.

PSA company scan

Dealing with changes

0.5 day


People are increasingly demanding, both at work and in private:

  • Reorganization / more tasks

  • Work longer (higher retirement age)

  • Rapidly changing world ('' social media '')

  • Etc.

How do we deal with all these changes as humans? The course '' Dealing with change '' tries to help with this and deals with topics such as:

  • What do we encounter?

  • Which phases do people go through in a change process?

  • How do we deal with these changes?

  • How can we bring about changes?

  • How do we approach a change process?

  • How do we get the organization involved?

In this training you will get answers to these questions. It will help you to place changes, to bring about changes and to deal with them in a good way.

Dealing with changes

Course “Followed Leadership”

1 day

Achieving a culture of safety in which we care for and pay attention to each other. What is my role?

How can I show the desired leadership at my level, am I a sponsor, coach or… ..?

Participants learn to take their own responsibilities and set personal goals. It is about demonstrated behavior and felt leadership that leads to cultural change.

Followed leadership goes beyond just talking about safety: it's about behavior and culture change. It holds up a mirror to participants and forces them to reflect on what they can contribute to a safer environment and work situation.


The Followed leadership training is the start of an improvement process. The aim is therefore also the impetus for the group process. Frustrations can be directly addressed and given a place.

Followed Leadership

Remote Safety Manager





Based on the development phase of your company, we can determine leading and lagging indicators together. Remote assistance is the essence here.


These indicators form the basis for the KPIs. The critical process indicators can be monitored remotely and feedback is provided depending on your needs.


So there is a registration where you always and immediately have a sparring partner in the back or front.

This instrument can be used for various reasons: costs, qualification, risk of failure, expertise and as a second opinion.

Remote Safety Manager

VOR Training

0.5 day


Talk to employees on the work floor.

Learning to recognize/recognize unsafe behavior and unsafe situations. Understanding why intervention is necessary. The ultimate goal is to prevent accidents.


After the training, the participant is able to distinguish between unsafe behavior and unsafe situations. It is also taught to trace unsafe situations to the underlying behavior.


Since recognizing and acknowledging in itself does not change the situation, the student learns contact techniques to approach people and to provide these people with insight so that they themselves see that a different working method is necessary.



  • The consequences of an accident are discussed in examples and exercises.

  • What do you need to do to 'manage' accident prevention?

  • Recognizing and acknowledging unsafe behavior and unsafe situations through practical exercises.

  • Overcome reasons for resistance to addressing.

  • Addressing techniques, making use of photos and role play.


Work permits


0.5 day



The training provides compact information with substantive explanations about the work permit and the role that various people play in this.

The following components are covered:

  • Purpose of work permits and legal provisions

  • Yes, but in practice (film)

  • Determining the level and correct use thereof

  • Explanation of the layout of the work permit

  • The various roles in the work permit

  • Practical application in the field of the work permit


It is about protecting people and installations as well as possible against accidents and damage during the execution of work. A large number of activities can and may only be performed if a work permit has been issued. These are usually activities to which the normal standard control measures do not apply.


A work permit is a written work contract that grants permission to carry out the work described in the specified area under the conditions as stated on this permit.

Work permits

Task Risk Analysis (TRA) training


0.5 day



Recognize, estimate and determine improvement measures, such that the risks are reduced to an acceptable level after the proposed improvement measures have been implemented.


A Task Risk Analysis is made to determine risks by recognizing and estimating them. The work, workplace, environment, conditions and complexity are examined. Via a TRA, a work instruction can be made for frequently occurring activities.

Subjects in the training are:


  • How do you recognize risks?

  • Purpose of the TRA

  • What is the TRA?

  • How is it performed?

  • How do you test the TRA in practice?

  • Step-by-step plan of the TRA

  • Assessing the risks (Fine and Kinney method)

  • Determine the measures

  • Implement the measures

  • Two practical exercises using TRA with cases provided from practice


The LMRA anytime, anywhere anyone!


0.5 day



That people think about the risks, remove them or make them acceptable just before starting to perform the task. Man is the last filter.

An LMRA is therefore performed at every moment of every day, at the workplace and immediately before the start of the work.


So not only after the standard precautions have been taken, but also when the work and circumstances change, after an incident and/or short work interruption!


What is the LMRA?


  • Short risk assessment carried out by the person who will actually perform the work.

  • The LMRA applies to EVERYONE who will perform work.

  • No form needs to be completed and archived.

  • The LMRA should not last longer than two minutes


Want to know more?

Call me!

Raymond Bekker


+31 (0)6 30 38 9350

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